LinkedIn Ads vs. Facebook Ads - Which is Better for Business Promotion

November 16, 2021

As businesses continue to explore different options for promoting their brand, the debate on which social media platform to leverage continues to rage. In particular, it's a battle between LinkedIn Ads and Facebook Ads. Both platforms have their advantages and disadvantages, but which one offers businesses the best return on investment?

In this blog post, we compare LinkedIn Ads vs. Facebook Ads based on their targeting capabilities, cost-effectiveness, and audience reach to help you make an informed decision.

Targeting Capabilities

Both LinkedIn and Facebook provide targeting capabilities that allow advertisers to find and engage with their desired audiences. LinkedIn Ads are geared towards professionals, and so, they offer more sophisticated targeting options, allowing advertisers to segment their audience by job title, company name, education, and seniority. On the other hand, Facebook Ads allows advertisers to target users based on their location, demographics, interests, behaviors, and more.

Metric LinkedIn Ads Facebook Ads
Targeting Capability B2B Companies B2C Companies
Targeting Options Sophisticated targeting options, allowing advertisers to segment their audience by job title, company name, education, and seniority. Multiple targeting options, allowing advertisers to target users based on location, demographics, interests, behaviors, and more.


When it comes to cost-effectiveness, Facebook Ads is a clear winner. Facebook Ads cost less per click and per impression than LinkedIn Ads, making it a more affordable option for businesses with a limited budget.

Metric LinkedIn Ads Facebook Ads
Cost-Effectiveness More expensive per click and per impression Less expensive per click and per impression

Audience Reach

When it comes to audience reach, Facebook Ads has a larger audience than LinkedIn Ads, making it an ideal platform for B2C companies. Facebook boasts over 2.5 billion active monthly users, while LinkedIn has over 740 million members. However, LinkedIn's audience is geared towards professionals, making it a better platform for B2B companies.

Metric LinkedIn Ads Facebook Ads
Audience Reach Ideal for B2B Companies Ideal for B2C Companies
Monthly Active Users Over 740 million members Over 2.5 billion active monthly users


In conclusion, both LinkedIn Ads and Facebook Ads have their advantages and disadvantages. LinkedIn Ads is ideal for B2B companies looking to target professionals while Facebook Ads is more cost-effective and suitable for B2C companies due to its large audience reach.

Ultimately, the best platform to choose will depend on your company's unique needs and goals. That said, businesses should consider leveraging both platforms to maximize their reach and ROI.


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